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Grantmaking Emphasis


To implement the wind-down, the Foundation will make substantially larger grants that fit under the general giving areas under Areas of Interest. These grants will be intended to have a lasting, major impact upon the organizations, communities, and/or institutions that receive these grants. The Foundation intends to emphasize capital grants (bricks and mortar, facility, and equipment) as a major component of this wind-down.


Future grants will incorporate the decision-making principles that have distinguished past effective grants, such as:


  • positive impact upon as many people as possible;

  • support of organizations that have: a track record of success; demonstrated effective practices in the past; attracted broad-based support; strong leadership; and proven to be accountable; 

  • support of organizations and programs that serve those who are worthy, having earned support through merit;

  • ability of organizations to attract funds from other sources, including broadbased support from private sources (individuals, corporations, foundations) for a significant percentage of the funds needed.

  • ability of organizations to be successful without continued support from the Foundation.


The emphasis upon larger grants through the wind-down will be implemented through the following means:

  • The Foundation Board and staff are identifying and researching opportunities for grantmaking;

  • The Foundation will employ different strategies to implement future grantmaking, which may include Request for Proposals and Competitive Grants;

  • Potential applicants will be notified when specific initiatives are determined.







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