Grant Policies
The Foundation believes that its support of a project should serve to enhance the overall goals and objectives of the grantee organization.
1. General
The Foundation seeks to make grants to organizations having:
broad based funding support, with a significant percentage of funds from other private sources;
specifically defined goals and purposes;
demonstrated effectiveness in its programs;
expectations for continued success in its activities without future dependence on support from this Foundation; and
committed, enthusiastic and diligent leadership.
The Foundation’s focus generally will be on supporting existing organizations and projects which have demonstrated performance and effectiveness.
The Foundation is favorably inclined to make grants that are matched with or contingent upon the receipt of funds from other sources.
The Foundation’s Board meets four times a year to consider grant applications. All grant applications will be answered as quickly as possible. Response time typically will be three to six months.
It is impossible to respond affirmatively to all grant applicants, no matter how meritorious the application. Nevertheless, each qualified grant is carefully and seriously considered by the Board in light of the Foundation’s areas of interest, geographic emphasis, policies, limitations, exclusions, and priorities.
The Foundation requires recipients of grants to make periodic narrative reports while the grant is active and a final comprehensive written report upon completion of the grant or project. A Foundation representative may make periodic site visits or request periodic meetings at the Foundation’s offices to monitor the grant in progress.
In order to apply for a grant, the Foundation has instituted specific application procedures, which must be followed to assure that grant requests are properly considered. These procedures are described under Grant Application Procedures.
2. Exclusions
The Foundation will not provide funding for any of the following:
Fund raising events, dinners, advertising or similar affairs.
Lobbying, propaganda, or other attempts to influence legislation or other partisan political activities.
Organizations for profit and profitmaking enterprises of non-profit groups.
Fraternal, labor, service clubs or similar organizations whose principal activity is for the benefit of their own membership.
Programs that directly benefit members of the Board, the staff of the Foundation, or their families.
Private operating foundations.
Organizations or projects outside the United States.
The Foundation is not inclined to make grants for endowments or to organizations who intend to use the funds to invest for their own income purposes.
The Foundation will not reply or otherwise respond to flyer or e-mail types of grant applications.
It is the general policy that none of the Directors or staff of the Foundation will meet with an applicant before a grant application has been received.